2021.11.14 1st Service - My 25-Hr. Life (Isaiah 6:1-13)
▣ Introduction_ Try it for one week. Experience this.
1. There are people with mental illnesses, physical illnesses, emotional illnesses, and have illnesses in their thoughts and lifestyles. However, there’s no need to be discouraged. Although you must all the time, just try it for at least this week.
2. Now Israel is on the verge of destruction. This passage was given at that time.
▷“I will send your people far away, but they will one day return.” (Is. 5 & 6:12). Even though only a tenth remains, it will again be laid waste. However, the stump will not disappear, and that will be the holy seed.”
3. God revealed something important. God revealed the answer of 25 hours which surpasses the 24 hours that we live in. You must experience this in the coming week. See what answers will come.
(The Evangelist’s Confession) I’ve been doing this evangelism movement for forty years and ten of those years were really difficult. For another ten years, even though I was undeserving, answers continued to come. I realized God had revealed to me what He had shown Isaiah. I began that prayer. For the next twenty years, I was unshaken, and the answers continued. You must pray this week.
▣ Main_ God showed Isaiah three things.
1. God showed Isaiah the blessing of the throne. – “The Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; the train of his robe filled the temple.” (Is. 6:1)
▷ Set the “9 Settings” that are inside the Triune God.
▷ God will work in me through His Spirit and the Spirit of Christ. Please work on the place that is the most problematic for me. Just do it for a week.
1) Ge. 1:27 – God planted His image in you. This is when life is revived. No other prayer is needed. This is the most important. (Matt. 6:33)
Ge. 2:7 – God breathed the “breath the life.” You must receive that. That’s the prayer.
Jn. 20:22 – As you exhale, receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.
1 Co. 12:13 - “Made to drink of one Spirit.” Through the Holy Spirit, work in me. Do this all day.
Eze. 37:1-11 - “Prophesy to the breath,” prophesy the Word. This is the prayer.
2) Be filled with the Triune God. In doing so, the blessings of the throne will arise as well as the works that transcend time and space, and the light will shine. Start this prayer, and your soul will start to come alive and your soul will be revived.
3) Unprecedented and never-repeated answers have no choice but to come.
▷ Is. 6:1 – The important point here is “I saw.” The Lord is seated on the high throne. The train of his robe filled the temple. That is worship and prayer. These must be restored.
If you can't do this, you can't live your life of faith. When you come to church, you see people first. God's plan is completely unseen, and people’s voices are heard, so that's difficult. If you hold onto this covenant, the Triune God will come to you and the “9 Settings” will be set.
2. Because the of the presence of the Triune God and the “9 Settings” have been set, the angels (seraphim) will run errands.
1) Seraphim have six wings. (Is. 6:1-4)
▷ “With two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.” As they flew, the praise of God’s glory filled the earth.”
▷ When the blessing of the throne comes upon you, the important works recorded in the Bible will begin to arise. However, you don't believe in this important thing. That’s why there aren’t any answers. Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God for 40 days. If you believe in this and start praying, works that completely transcend time and space will arise. From then on, healing will begin. Your spirit must be healed first, then your studies. Your spirit must gain strength for you to do work. In doing so, you’ll see unprecedented and never-repeated answers that nobody knows about. These are your blessing.
2) The angel of God went before and after Moses (Ex. 14:19)! The night King Hezekiah prayed (2 Ki. 19:35)! This was what was revealed to Isaiah.
3) One of the seraphim brought a burning coal from the altar and touched Isaiah’s lips and said, “Your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” (Is. 6:6-7)
4) What God Said Afterward (I heard the voice of the Lord.) - “Whom shall I send?” Isaiah replies, “Here I am! Send me.” Whatever is left will be destroyed. Even if the terebinth and oak are cut down, the stump will remain. That stump will be the holy seed, which will become a tree. (Is. 6:8-13).
3. Having seen the blessing of the throne through the “9 Settings,” God reveals the answers regarding the future (Remnant).
1) “Even if everything is destroyed, it’s okay.”
2) “Even if all that’s left is further destroyed, it’s okay.”
3) The stump will never disappear. The holy seed of life that you possess will never disappear. God has given this covenant.
▷ Enjoy the blessing of throne of the Triune God. The “9 Settings” are within them. God will work by sending His heavenly angels. God has raised you as the stump. He will raise you into a tree and into a forest.
▷ Why did God give this passage for today’s RU Lord’s Day? If we fail to realize world evangelization, He’ll send us afar; however, if we do realize, there’s no need to go. RU must teach what the answer of 25 hour is.
▣ Conclusion_ Hold onto the covenant. Find your 25- hour life.
Be prepared. You will save your family line through God’s power. Don't give up. It may take a long time. Regardless, you are surely the stump. Hold onto this promise. Receive all the difficult parts as answers. Don’t be discouraged and enjoy the blessings of the “9 Settings” of the throne. At this time, when you pray, God will send His armies of Heaven. God will raise you as the stump to save the future. Those who believed this were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zerubbabel. Who won? Evidences came out. Hold onto these promises.
1. There are people with mental illnesses, physical illnesses, emotional illnesses, and have illnesses in their thoughts and lifestyles. However, there’s no need to be discouraged. Although you must all the time, just try it for at least this week.
2. Now Israel is on the verge of destruction. This passage was given at that time.
▷“I will send your people far away, but they will one day return.” (Is. 5 & 6:12). Even though only a tenth remains, it will again be laid waste. However, the stump will not disappear, and that will be the holy seed.”
3. God revealed something important. God revealed the answer of 25 hours which surpasses the 24 hours that we live in. You must experience this in the coming week. See what answers will come.
(The Evangelist’s Confession) I’ve been doing this evangelism movement for forty years and ten of those years were really difficult. For another ten years, even though I was undeserving, answers continued to come. I realized God had revealed to me what He had shown Isaiah. I began that prayer. For the next twenty years, I was unshaken, and the answers continued. You must pray this week.
▣ Main_ God showed Isaiah three things.
1. God showed Isaiah the blessing of the throne. – “The Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; the train of his robe filled the temple.” (Is. 6:1)
▷ Set the “9 Settings” that are inside the Triune God.
▷ God will work in me through His Spirit and the Spirit of Christ. Please work on the place that is the most problematic for me. Just do it for a week.
1) Ge. 1:27 – God planted His image in you. This is when life is revived. No other prayer is needed. This is the most important. (Matt. 6:33)
Ge. 2:7 – God breathed the “breath the life.” You must receive that. That’s the prayer.
Jn. 20:22 – As you exhale, receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.
1 Co. 12:13 - “Made to drink of one Spirit.” Through the Holy Spirit, work in me. Do this all day.
Eze. 37:1-11 - “Prophesy to the breath,” prophesy the Word. This is the prayer.
2) Be filled with the Triune God. In doing so, the blessings of the throne will arise as well as the works that transcend time and space, and the light will shine. Start this prayer, and your soul will start to come alive and your soul will be revived.
3) Unprecedented and never-repeated answers have no choice but to come.
▷ Is. 6:1 – The important point here is “I saw.” The Lord is seated on the high throne. The train of his robe filled the temple. That is worship and prayer. These must be restored.
If you can't do this, you can't live your life of faith. When you come to church, you see people first. God's plan is completely unseen, and people’s voices are heard, so that's difficult. If you hold onto this covenant, the Triune God will come to you and the “9 Settings” will be set.
2. Because the of the presence of the Triune God and the “9 Settings” have been set, the angels (seraphim) will run errands.
1) Seraphim have six wings. (Is. 6:1-4)
▷ “With two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.” As they flew, the praise of God’s glory filled the earth.”
▷ When the blessing of the throne comes upon you, the important works recorded in the Bible will begin to arise. However, you don't believe in this important thing. That’s why there aren’t any answers. Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God for 40 days. If you believe in this and start praying, works that completely transcend time and space will arise. From then on, healing will begin. Your spirit must be healed first, then your studies. Your spirit must gain strength for you to do work. In doing so, you’ll see unprecedented and never-repeated answers that nobody knows about. These are your blessing.
2) The angel of God went before and after Moses (Ex. 14:19)! The night King Hezekiah prayed (2 Ki. 19:35)! This was what was revealed to Isaiah.
3) One of the seraphim brought a burning coal from the altar and touched Isaiah’s lips and said, “Your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” (Is. 6:6-7)
4) What God Said Afterward (I heard the voice of the Lord.) - “Whom shall I send?” Isaiah replies, “Here I am! Send me.” Whatever is left will be destroyed. Even if the terebinth and oak are cut down, the stump will remain. That stump will be the holy seed, which will become a tree. (Is. 6:8-13).
3. Having seen the blessing of the throne through the “9 Settings,” God reveals the answers regarding the future (Remnant).
1) “Even if everything is destroyed, it’s okay.”
2) “Even if all that’s left is further destroyed, it’s okay.”
3) The stump will never disappear. The holy seed of life that you possess will never disappear. God has given this covenant.
▷ Enjoy the blessing of throne of the Triune God. The “9 Settings” are within them. God will work by sending His heavenly angels. God has raised you as the stump. He will raise you into a tree and into a forest.
▷ Why did God give this passage for today’s RU Lord’s Day? If we fail to realize world evangelization, He’ll send us afar; however, if we do realize, there’s no need to go. RU must teach what the answer of 25 hour is.
▣ Conclusion_ Hold onto the covenant. Find your 25- hour life.
Be prepared. You will save your family line through God’s power. Don't give up. It may take a long time. Regardless, you are surely the stump. Hold onto this promise. Receive all the difficult parts as answers. Don’t be discouraged and enjoy the blessings of the “9 Settings” of the throne. At this time, when you pray, God will send His armies of Heaven. God will raise you as the stump to save the future. Those who believed this were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zerubbabel. Who won? Evidences came out. Hold onto these promises.