▣행복한 편지(A Joyful Letter)▣
현장 전도를 위한 복음 영접메시지를 알기 쉽게 풀어서 정리. 영접기도문. 포켓사이즈 (The Way to Meet God)
-사랑에 빚진 자 이기에…
◈혹시 이런 문제로 고민하고 있지는 않습니까?
♣목 차(Table of Contents)♣
◈혹시 이런 문제로 고민하고 있지는 않습니까? (Perhaps-You are concerned with any of these problem?)
☞인생의미 (The meaning of life)
☞일탈행동 (Deviant behavior)
☞저주재앙 (Cursrs and disasters)
☞정신문제 (Mental problems)
☞질병문제 (Illnesses)
☞가정불화 (Family dissension)
☞종교생활 (Religious life)
◈왜? 우리는 원치도 않는 문제 가운데 놓이게 된 걸까요? (Why?-Many times, we are stuck in the midat of unwanted, impossibleto solve problems in life)
◈원래인간-하나님의 형상대로 창조(Original Man-God created man in His own image)
◈문제-창3장 사건 (The Problem-The Genesis Chapter Three Incident)
◈결과-하나님을 떠난 불신자 상태 (The Result-The Spiritual State of People Separated from God)
1)마귀의 자녀 (Children of the devil)
2)우상숭배 (Idol worship)
3)마음정신문제 (Mental problems)
4)육신문제 (Physical problems)
5)내세문제 (Afterlife and Judgment)
6)후대문제 (Spiritual Inheritance)
◈해결책-예수는 그리스도 (The Solution-Jesus is the Christ)
1)참 선지자(Jesus Christ is the True Prophet)
2)참 제사장(Jesus Christ is the True Priest)
3)참 왕(Jesus Christ is the True King)
◈영접-하나님의 자녀 (Acceptance-Child of God)
◈축복-하나님의 자녀가 받을 수 있는 축복 7가지 (7 Blessings)
1)하나의 자녀 (You are unmistakably a Child of God)
2)성령동행,인도 (The Holy Spirit will be with you always and guide you)
3)기도응답( God answers your prayers)
4)천군 천사의 도움 (As a blessing of the throne, heavenly armies of angels work as ministering spirits in your life)
5)사단의 권세를 꺾을 수 있는 예수님의 권세 (Through the authority of Jesus, all the forces of Satan and his authority can now be bound)
6)천국백성의 축복 (Starting from this very moment, you have gained eternal life can enjoy all heavenly blessings from the kingdome of heaven)
7)세계복음화의 축복 (You have received the power for world evangelization in the blessing of Jesus neme)
◈확신-하나님의 자녀가 누려야 할 확신 5가지 (Assurrances-Five Fact You Should Confirm Now That You Are a Child of God)
1)구원의 확신 (Assurance of Salvation)
2)동행(인도)의 확신 (Assurance of Abiding-Guidance)
3)기도응답의 확신 (Assurance of Answers to Prayer)
4)용서받은 확신(사죄의 확신) (Assurance of Forgiveness-Assurance of the Forgiveness of Sins)
5)주님과 함께 하면 승리하는 확신 (Assurance of Victory When You Are With God)
◈증인-증인된 삶 (Witness)
◈기도-이렇게 기도하라 (Prayer)