Resources All Prayer Journal Voice File Business Missions Remnant Study of Evangelism Core Scattered Disciples District Message Sunday 1st Service Sunday 2nd Service All Prayer Journal Voice File Business Missions Remnant Study of Evangelism Core Scattered Disciples District Message Sunday 1st Service Sunday 2nd Service Number Title Date Views 28 2022.10.08 BM - “Untact” RTS Military Academy (Joshua 1:1-9) | 2022.10.11 | | 조회 1403 2022.10.11 1403 27 2022.10.01 BM - The Business Missionary’s Experience - Conqueror (Acts 1:14) | 2022.10.03 | | 조회 1387 2022.10.03 1387 26 2022.09.24 BM - The Businessperson’s Three Missions (Acts 2:9-11) | 2022.09.26 | | 조회 1452 2022.09.26 1452 25 2022.09.17 BM - RTS and the Businessperson (Acts 18:1-4) | 2022.09.19 | | 조회 1581 2022.09.19 1581 24 2022.09.03 BM - The Businessperson’s Journey (Those Who Remained) (Isaiah 1:9) | 2022.09.04 | | 조회 1585 2022.09.04 1585 23 2022.08.27 BM - The Businessperson’s Current Residence (Genesis 13:18) | 2022.08.29 | | 조회 1608 2022.08.29 1608 22 2022.08.20 Business Missions - The Scattered Businesspeople (Acts 2:9-11) | 2022.08.21 | | 조회 1571 2022.08.21 1571 21 2022.08.13 Business Missions - The Businessperson’s Gathering (Acts 2:9-11) | 2022.08.14 | | 조회 1709 2022.08.14 1709 20 2022.07.30 BM - The Businessperson to Save the World ② - The 10-Day Prayer Movement (Acts 2:1-13) | 2022.07.31 | | 조회 1701 2022.07.31 1701 19 2022.07.23 BM - The Buisnessperson to Save the World 1 – The 40-Day Movement That Changes the World (Acts 1:3) | 2022.07.24 | | 조회 1728 2022.07.24 1728 처음«12345678910»마지막 All Title Content Search