Resources All Prayer Journal Voice File Business Missions Remnant Study of Evangelism Core Scattered Disciples District Message Sunday 1st Service Sunday 2nd Service All Prayer Journal Voice File Business Missions Remnant Study of Evangelism Core Scattered Disciples District Message Sunday 1st Service Sunday 2nd Service Number Title Date Views 51 2023.04.29 Core - May School Evangelization | 2023.05.01 | | 조회 886 2023.05.01 886 50 2023.04.22 Core - Everything about Evangelism and Missions (Acts 1:8) | 2023.04.25 | | 조회 878 2023.04.25 878 49 2023.04.15 Core - The Platform to Save the World (Acts 1:8) | 2023.04.17 | | 조회 826 2023.04.17 826 48 2023.04.08 Core - Make God’s Bartizan inside Me (Matthew 27:25, Luke 23:28) | 2023.04.10 | | 조회 847 2023.04.10 847 47 2023.03.04 Core - The People Who Met Christ (Matthew 28:16-20) | 2023.04.05 | | 조회 775 2023.04.05 775 46 2023.04.01 Core - Make the Bartizan of Evangelism First (Acts 1:3) | 2023.04.04 | | 조회 817 2023.04.04 817 45 2023.03.25 Core - April School Evangelization | 2023.04.04 | | 조회 786 2023.04.04 786 44 2023.03.18 Core - The Fulfillment of the Mt. of Olives Covenant (Acts 1:1, 3, 8) | 2023.03.20 | | 조회 871 2023.03.20 871 43 2023.03.11 Core - The Bartizan’s Start (Mark 3:13-15) | 2023.03.15 | | 조회 853 2023.03.15 853 42 2023.02.25 Remnant Day - March School Evangelization | 2023.02.27 | | 조회 870 2023.02.27 870 처음«12345678910»마지막 All Title Content Search